Into the Unknown

Navigating the Eastward Passage

Monday, March 30, 2009

Back to the Front

Hi, I've been very lax lately. Very sorry for the shocking gap between posts. I am now established in my new (ish) school. Suppose I should round up the last year.....When I started I had taken up a post in a new faculty from my main subject. Initially things did not work out very well. The main role I was given was one of support and I felt as if my years training had been wasted in some way. I felt marginalised in the school and was unsure if I had made the right decision.

My main subject was a dying department in the school with no certificate classes and little support from the SMT. It had even been removed from the course choice booklets and appeared to be set for phasing out. I had been given one S2 block in my first term at the school. From the three classes in the block a number of pupils had intimated they wanted to take my subkect in S3 so after a productive parent's evening and pressure on the SMT the subject was allowed to run and I now have a (small) Intermediate class.This helped me immensely as I felt that I now had a more recognised role in the school.

This year I have 1st, 2nd and 3rd year classes in my main subject as well as input in my newer area, although I aim to return fully to my main subject. I have also been teaching a related subject to 1st and 2nd year although this has since been passed back to a returning colleague. It seems from recent feedback that we are going to have an increased uptake next year and the future is looking rosier for the department. The current 1st year are having, I feel, a much more positive experience in the subject as both myself and my colleague are very enthusiastic about the courses on offer and we have been working closely to raise the profile of the subject. It's early days but hopefully we can continue to press forward.

I now feel much happier in this school. At first, with the new job and new environment I felt very much out of my depth but as time has gone on I have become more at ease. I really feel that I have progressed my skills and capabilities and that it has perhaps been the makings of me as a teacher. I know that at some point I will move on from this point but am grateful for the support and belief of my colleagues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how hard you've worked this year mate and you've done a great job breathing new life back into your subject's department keep it up and you'll make it an even bigger subject in the school.

Welcome back to the blogging by the way!

10:20 pm  

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